Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bobby You're Sailing Backwards!

So last Sunday we loaded up and split for Cowan Lake again. Surprisingly most everything was more difficult this time, waking up was even a challenge for some...
OK maybe that wasn't such a surprise.
We arrived in the afternoon to another boat race, this time oriented differently on the lake, but no worries the boat ramp was clear. We stepped the mast but with some difficulties. We actually had to call on our friend, first passenger and photographer 'o the day Danielle for some help.
We got the boat in the water, hopped in and expected to rocket off the dock just as we had the last time. Instead we ended dropping the sails to avoid crashing into the pontoon boats directly to our right. It prevented the "crash" but not the contact. After righting our course we put as much space between us and the before mentioned pontoons as possible. The embarrassment of this event was lessened by the capsized boat a bit further out and the calls of a man across the water sounding "Bobby your sailing backwards... Come on!" It seemed to be a youth sailing lesson in progress.

There wasn't as much wind as last weekend but we made due. We tried practicing tacking as much as possible. Turns out (no pun intended) we're doing some things wrong but here's some video anyways.

They weren't all this bad but I doubt any were as impressive as some we accidentally accomplished the weekend before.
It was still a lot of fun. We had some lunch in the cove again...

and spent some time relaxing...

Before we knew it, it was time to head in. I suggested we shoot around the island again, after all it was the best wind we had all day. Just as we round the back corner of the island, the sky puffed it's last breath of suitable, sail-able air.

A little over an hour later we made it back to the ramp. There was an oar involved, but luckily we had our fill of cranberry/orange juice and unnameable beverage to battle the scurvy.
We took down the mast and made it home a bit after sunset only to discover the trailer strap had snapped. A new strap is in route now from so we can make the scheduled trip on Labor day.

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